A “Fear”-less Friday…
It’s another beautiful Friday morning and I wake to loads of sunshine peeking in through my bedroom. The sun is no match for room darkening shades, but that’s ok- because I am oddly invigorated. Despite having less sleep than usual, I awake clear-headed, inspired, and with a rush of thoughts, ideas and most surprisingly, creativity. Creativity and mornings are rarely uttered in the same sentence for me.
It has been a long time since the ideas I’ve put down on paper have come to me with that intensity and with such specificity and detail. Where are these ideas coming from? These were ideas I put on paper 2 years ago, and yes, believe it or not, they came to me the morning of April 29th, 2022 and the first time this idea of a blog and a business came to me, it was after a month of the news of the worldwide pandemic, the date…. April 30th 2020.
The excitement set in as I wanted to go back to sleep for a bit more rest, but was compelled to start jotting down these notes in Evernote feverishly. IT was as if THIS time, it was a fear of not documenting it, falling back asleep and forgetting all about it or waking and thinking I perhaps just dreamt a few ideas, as if the ideas would escape quickly if I didn’t put pen to paper immediately.
It didn’t really sink in until this afternoon about 9 hours later, that I waited 2 years. Wow. Two, whole years! 730 days. Why? Did I wait because I didn’t think it was possible, didn’t think I had the creativity in me to roll these ideas out, or was it those wonderful words I love to speak so often… “everything happens for a reason and happens in the time it’s supposed to”. I just didn’t think that was the time I suppose.
How many of us question why we had amazing ideas, but did nothing with them? Then we are shocked when we hear that a friend, colleague or someone on TikTok, Facebook, Snapchat, IG that we admire is doing the SAME thing we dreamt of but were too scared to act on? What are we afraid of? Are we afraid of FAILURE?
Oftentimes, in the business world, I find, it’s a legitimate fear of SUCCESS. And at times, our innate fear of change (yes, change can be FAILURE or SUCCESS). Remaining status quo, with our scheduled lives is simpler, easier and much more comfortable than any leap of faith could be. Starting a business, committing to your health, getting out of that relationship, having that difficult conversation, going back to school, learning that language, playing that instrument. We know what ours are. The list is endless.
Today was the day I woke up and refused to let another 2 years pass with ideas that are inherently my purpose. I will now choose to act on my creativity and put ideas into practice without hesitation.
I’m blessed to know what my purpose and passions are in life and I’m grateful for the clarity this morning’s early wake up gave me. Regret is never an option.
I found an accountability partner and let her know what I was doing after today’s events. I have a goal on my calendar to start and know I have an amazing support group that will make sure I will follow through on my declarations.
What are you passionate about?
Have you found your purpose? If not, it may be time to explore that.
What positive change(s) will you commit to?
These are all thoughts worth exploring. 3 simple tips to make progress:
1. Declare what you want to family and friends (accountability)
2. Start small with one step and set a date on your calendar for steps, 2,3,4,5 and so on ( create small habits)
3. Celebrate each small win towards your goal and share it with others who will motivate you and push you.
Happy weekend!
A demain,